Friday, March 27, 2015


 A fixed mindset is when people believe that they can’t change their level of smartness or that they can’t do something. A growth mindset is when people believe in themselves that they can become smarter or that they can do a lot of stuff, but they understand that it takes a lot of hard work sometimes. People with a fixed mindset give up easily and like stuff that makes them look smart. People with a growth mindset try harder and likes stuff that challenges them to work harder.

Mindsets can be affected by what people say, for example Carol Dweck had children brought in for a simple block test thing, and when the kids finished she praised some for finishing it and others for their hard work and effort. After she gave them a harder puzzle, the ones praised for finishing it liked the simple puzzle and some didn’t finish the harder puzzle. The ones praised for their effort liked the challenge of the harder puzzle and most finished and didn’t give up.

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